Monday, September 29, 2014

Noise With Dirt On It...

My boys... They are my greatest accomplishment... my heart... my reason for living and being tired all time...

School supply shopping.  They were both so excited to pick out their own supplies... Jack's favorite color is black, so black folders and notebooks it was...

First day of school...Alex is in full day kindergarten and Jack is now in third grade.  Both my boys in the same school, for a full joyous to have only 1 school drop off and have them both occupied all day... too bad I don't  have time to enjoys the quiet solitude...

I still like to dress them alike for special occasions...until they are old enough to protest.  To my boys dressing up means something besides pull on track pants and t-shirts.  Cammo cargo pants and orange polo shirts for the win.  They look like traffic cones...handsome traffic cones!!

Alex will be six next week and I just cannot believe my baby is going to be that old!  He is learning to read at school and he was so excited and proud the other night that he could read his bed time story to me!  (there were only 3 words on a steps) He read it to everyone that comes over...I pretty sure he even read it to the cable guy last week!  I am glad he is having such a great experience in kindergarten, but I do miss our afternoons together...having lunch at the salad bar at Mariano's and trips to Target...

Jack has become such a big boy. He will be nine in March and has grown up so much in the last year. He has always been skinny, and now his face and body have filled out. I had to buy him a new wardrobe... none of his clothes fit anymore.  I think he is going to be taller than me as a teenager! The older he gets, he even more he looks like me...what a lucky kid...ha!

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