Friday, September 28, 2012

Never Too Old To Learn...

Lessons learned during a busy Thursday...

-Even if you are going only 20 mph, if you hit the curb at a certain angle, you can get a flat tire.

-When you call AAA to fix said tire and they tell you they will be there in an hour...don't call your husband frantically to cover school pick up for you...

-Do not make that call because AAA will arrive in 15 minutes, put on the spare, and you will have to call the husband back because you have just enough time to run to school and pick up the long as you speed and get all green lights...

-When you take two little boys to the tire place to get a new tire, people will stare at the circus that you the boys proceed to take out their little green army men an re-enact a battle from Star Wars for all the other tire store patrons...

-Said patrons will stare for two reasons...1. they feel sorry for you and annoyed because of the chain gang that follows you...those people don't have kids.  2. they are sympathetic and know where you are coming from and smile at you when you handle the mess gracefully...those people have kids!

-When you go to the gym later that evening to blow off steam, burn calories and have "me" time, don't ignore that pain in your hamstring that you feel at mile will regret it in the morning when you try to get out of bed and can barely stand...


Style Journey said...

I can totally relate to that feeling when taking your children somewhere. Glad AAA was able to get there quickly to get you on your way though :) Have a nice weekend!

Shea Lennon said...

What a day! I hope you get some time to relax this weekend :) We just had to replace the tires on my husband's car, so I understand how frustrating car/tire problems can be! At least AAA was quick!

Closet Fashionista said...

Oh sounds like a crazy day... *phew*

teresweetstyle said...

great these photoss, cute boy hney .p


J. said...

Yeah, bummer...Sounds like you handled it well though...

Anonymous said...

I hope you were able to carve out some relaxing me time this weekend after all of this mess. Though I would have loved to see the boys take on the tire center green army men in tow!