Friday, November 26, 2010

I am Stuffed

I know it is a day late, but I was nowhere near my laptop yesterday. I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving ate tons of yummy stuff. I am still stuffed from all those great sides we had (I don't eat turkey, vegetarian) especially the Corn Stuff...that is the name, I swear. I just wanted to stare a bit of what I am thankful for this year...
-My boys...Jack, Alex and my wonderful husband Brian
-My health and everything I did for it
-The health and happiness of my family, my extended family and all my friends
-All the bloggers out there...what a wonderful supportive community you all are
Now to go back to perusing all the on-line black friday sales...what to buy?


JMay said...

I feel you girl, I am still full ;-)

T said...

So, whaddya buy!? :)