So much fun...Comic Con
Besides being able to geek out with people that "get it", it was nice to spend a few days with just adults, just worrying about myself and what cool thing I was going to get to experience next...It was definitely the recharge that I needed to start preparing the boys for back to school and their new routine.
My top highlights from my weekend...
-Meeting Colin Ferguson aka Sheriff Carter from Eureka. Such a nice guy who totally appreciated his fans. He took about 10 minutes to talk to me about the unexpected and quick but perfect end to Eureka, his new pilot not getting picked up and his opinion of certain new shows...
-Walking Dead Panel...Jon Bernthal and Norman Redus were fantastic. So many funny and fascinating stories about behind the scenes and the thought they put into their characters. The way Jon explained Shane's decision making vs Rick's was really eye opening...RIP Shane...Norman Reedus just ROCKS!
-Sharing a hotel room with two of the funniest, sarcastic and fabulous ladies...thanks for reading my mind girls...I also, had lunch with Rebekah of
From the Mixed Up Files...
-Wandering the expo many things to see...rows upon rows of comic books, figurines, toys, weapons, zombies, costumes... I even found a Torchwood T-shirt!!
Snippets from the fun!
Me and Tardis from Dr. Who
Just one of the many weapons on display...the boys would have loved to play with them!!
Tons of people in costumes
Every t-shirt from a sci-fi comic book, cartoon, movie you could think of. They even had a whole line of shirts from the Big Bang Theory!
He will always be Sheriff Carter to me
Holly Marie Combs aka Piper from Charmed and Ella Montgomery from Pretty Little Liars

Me and Dalek on Sunday afternoon
By the time I got home Sunday night I had blisters and my feet and was really tired, but it was so nice to see the boys. They had a great weekend with dad, minus the trip to urgent care for an ear infection.